Thursday, January 16, 2014

Iron Ore Project Norway Seeking Financial Advisor

Tromsø 2014-01-17

After a lot of valuable knowledge and information we have now succeeded in preparing a development plan for the mining operations in Norway. We have, with the help of investment banks and mutual funds association received very positive feedback for the financing of the mine's different development phases. But perhaps the most important elements in the form of information that we worked out was about the requirement of hiring a financial advisor for the Iron Ore Project, Norway. Today is a very important mission to find a distinguished and professional financial advisor representing finance and investment areas for a firm mining development. With this knowledge as a starting point, we have launched an investigation into whether we should set ourselves to the task of finding this qualified financial advisor for the mining development in Norway. We have begun to publicize the need for cooperation to investment banks and, through their network thus will be able to establish a connection to any mining area competent and experienced financial advisor.

As we previously had named so is this project about a first geological survey project on a 280 million Norwegian Kroner. With a mining license so the budget will be upgraded to an amount of around 2 billion Norwegian Kroner. This is an extensive project work in the form of planning before such a range of financial institutions to a feasibility study of this level could be in favor of investments to the world's largest financial institutions and foreign investors. Much of the integration at an investment prone capital in the mining context is about information and effective channels for information relevant to a relevant time. More in-depth understanding of its contexts, we will obtain from a designated institutional financial advisor eventually and it will in any case result in a very positive time to come. Then we had a critical area of ​​development during the first production period soon after a mining licenses are issued. There we have come up with a design that specifically shall constitute, for the general mining development a major success for the initial level of income in the mining company. With the new findings to the development plan, we will very soon after the start of production begin to generate revenues on a much higher scale than the traditional mining projects have taken note to thus accountability. With the new feature of the concept, we will quickly after production start to recognize revenue from a higher degree than in the typical case, which is also of considerable interest to the instructions for a firm and long-term mining development. /

Author: Roger K. Olsson

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